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Compete against our Solar Ninja! Understand what a kilowatt hour is exactly and what it is comparable to.

The aim is to calculate the physically converted energy in various sports. The students should provide information about their athletic performance in various sports and games, and calculate the physically converted energy, compare how this compares to a small PV system, and visualize the energy quantities.

The actual energy that the body has to expend to move (efficiency of muscle work) is always neglected. Most energies result from the sum of the kinetic energy and the work against the Earth's gravitational field. The latter is calculated using assumptions that determine the number of steps N over a distance. Together with the height by which the foot is raised, h, the total energy is calculated in most cases as E = 1/2 mv^2 + Nmgh.

Subject: Physics, General Knowledge, Sports

Year: 5th-12th grade

Duration: any

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Competition against a PV system / Energy equivalences

VAT Included
  • Calculating and understanding energy equivalences.

    • Instructions
    • exercise ideas
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