A PV system for your school
We use the photovoltaic system as an educational tool.
If your school does not yet have a PV system in use, we offer two options: a teaching aid system or a "full-on" PV system.
Photovoltaic teaching aid system
To get you started with the educational program right away, we offer schools a simple so-called "PV teaching aid system" that will suit your budget and approval process. (Price on request)
Technical overview
2 PV modules, max. 0.6 kW peak
Orientation south or east/west possible
Safe integration without a plug-in connection into the school's power supply is possible
Mounting options: flat roof with elevation, tin roof, etc.
GSM module for remote transmission of generation data
We/a partner company examines the potential location of the small teaching aid system as part of an initial on-site appointment
If necessary, organization of the formalities, such as information/clarification with the school's material expenses bearer
The construction is then carried out by the partner company
Full-on PV system
We support the school in the lengthy process of procuring a PV system: from planning to financing. Our mother company Solar Options for Schools Ltd. is the right specialist for this. We would be happy to put you in touch with them.
Contact us to discuss next steps. We look forward to exploring options with you.